Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I F@*k on the first date

Alright, alright, I don't do that. Just thought that it would make an interesting blog title to get your attention.

But then, the title is related to an incident which happened yesterday, 31st August 2009. My sis in law got her bonus and wanted to give us a dinner treat. She suggested we go to a new cafe that just opened up at Jalan Layang, Perling called 'Bamboo Cafe' or something like that.

So, myself, mom, dad, bro, sis in law and my 2 baby nieces got all dressed up and made our way to this new cafe in 2 cars.

As I parked my car, I noticed that the Cafe had retained the previous owner's decor (I think it was Anjung Warisan or something like that). It was more of a Malay-Balanese wood decor. As we got out we noticed that we were the only ones to be there (bad sign).

Of course, I gave them the benefit of the doubt that since they were new, not many people know about them.

As we got out of the car, we were greeted by the smiley faces of several staff dressed in brown uniform with black caps.

Standing at the enterance of the shop, beside the staff was a guy, probably in his late 20s or early 30s wearing a white singlet and jeans. On his singlet was printed in big, bold blue letters "I F@*k on the first date" (please note it wasn't sensored on his singlet). I thought to myself that he must be customer as well as an asshole for wearing such a singlet at a 'family' place like this.

But I found it odd as to why the customer was also smiling and greeting at us and counting how many of us was coming in. Then my dad asked the singlet guy whether he was working here and to which he said yes. My dad got offended by what was written on his singlet and started scolding him!

He then asked for the boss and the singlet guy said that HE was the boss! My dad immediately said to us that we are leaving and he refuses to eat at a shop where the boss doesn't have any respect for the customers. So we just walked out!

What a moron right? Here is this guy who is supposedly the boss. He spent so much money in acquiring the place doing some renovation, getting the uniforms for the staff and create a supposedly 'classy' environment, but he himself dresses in singlet with the words 'I F@*k on the first date' imprinted and he stands in front to greet the customers! What a moron!

Well hopefully after the 'bamboo' from my dad, Cafe Bamboo's so called boss would have learnt his lesson! I bet the staff would have a field day over the incident! Merdeka!

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